Church on the Street
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Recent Graduates


Know the Ten NOs

July 1, 2010

01) No illegal or prescription drugs without a current prescription   

Immediate Dismissal, notification of probation, parole or authorities

02) No verbal threats of violence, assault and/or battery

       Confrontations that include “in your face” space

      All weapons of any kind on the premise is an act violence

Verbal threats of a non violent nature will be met with an opportunity to retract or take it back, which is an act of repentance.

Without the retraction of verbal threats, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program.

 Confirmed assault to do bodily harm or the action of battery will result in immediate dismissal and notification to the proper authorities.

Weapons of any kind found in your room or on your person will result in immediate dismissal from the program: Guns, Knives, Box Cutters, Tools and shanks.

03) No insubordination of recognized cots authority

Refusal to attend or unauthorized absence from any mandatory scheduled activities and including banned activities: talking, unrelated reading, writing letters, completing discipline assignments, using the restroom or getting a drink. Restrooms may be used before or after all meetings.

The executive ministry team will hear appeals on abuse of cots authority.

Refusal will be met with an opportunity to retract or take it back.

Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

The use of profanity towards anyone as defined by taking the Lord’s   name in vain, the F word, the S word, B word, The A word, BS word

There will be an opportunity to retract or take it back, which is an act of repentance.

Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

30 days free from the use profanity will eliminate former offenses    

04) No smoking or alcohol consumption of any kind in any phase

Possession or use of tobacco products on PDC property will result in immediate dismissal

First time use of tobacco will result in removal from the program until able to pass a nicotine test Second offense will result in 2 weeks out of the program and passing a nicotine test  and any further usage of tobacco will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

 Usage of alcohol will result in immediate dismissal

05) No violation of curfew & out of bound areas

Outside your room after curfew, AWOL from property

Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

Off Limit Areas including Dream Center & staff rooms

Residents only in pool area, NO CHILDREN OR VISITORS

And all offices after 10:00 p.m. for staff members

Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

          Residential rooms are banned from the opposite sex

Immediate dismissal

06) No tardiness allowed

Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

07) No unauthorized absence from scheduled activities

      Class, church, outreaches, work detail

Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

08) No inappropriate behavior anywhere

      Incomplete assigned work, homework or violation of restrictions        

      Wearing headsets in class, church, chow, outreaches & work detail

      Viewing or possession of pornography

      Lying: omitting or fabricating material facts                

Incomplete assigned work, homework or violation of restrictions: Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

Headset: Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day and the headset for a week. This also includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense; the second offense is room restriction except for meals and loss of the headset for two weeks. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) and the loss of the headset during ICE.  The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

90 days of compliance will expunge the previous record.

Porn: Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) and sexual addiction counseling. The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

Lying: omitting or fabricating material facts: Security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

09) No public appearance outside your residence without a badge

Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

10) No fraternization During Phase One

      No dating, courtship, physical contact between sexes.

      Separate seating in class, church, chow, bus, work, or outreaches

      Conversations are not allowed.        

This is a security issue!

Without compliance, security is notified & the security committee convened to carry out the loss of free day, which includes an 8 hour work detail at the Dream Center for the first offense, the second offense is room restriction except for meals. The third offense is the ICE Unit (Intensive care environment.) The fourth offense is dismissal from the program. All fourth offense issues will be appealable to the executive ministry team

Phase two can date provided they meet the following requirements

          Must have EAC approval

Must have a sponsor

          Must have pastor approval

          Must attend marriage class

          Must have a chaperone to go on a date

          May go to McDonalds for no longer than 30 min

          Cannot ride together in a vehicle alone

Two violation of any combination of the above rules will result in loss of privilege for entire program

Any sexual contact will result in Immediate Dismissal

Keep in mind that these offenses can accumulate from any of these areas listed above which could result in three separate violations and quarantine time in the ICE Unit.

Phase One

          Training classes are first priority

          Outreaches, work or pastoral are permitted but not during class.

          No Cell Phones, DVD players, laptops, etc.

If you are caught with a Cell Phone, DVD Player, Laptop, etc. the 1st time it is a major writeup, 2nd time ICE room, 3rd time dismissal 

 Phase Two

          Evening and weekend classes are first priority

Resume creation and distribution to potential employers

Outreach leadership for those going into Phase 3 for the ministry.

0-90 days 40 hours of work for cots, Dream Center or PFA

91- 120 days 30 hours

121-150 days 20 hours

151-180 days 10 hours

Phase 3 for candidates for ministry

91-180 days 20 hours

Cell Phones are permitted for job and housing searches for the cell phone owner’s use and no one else. The 1st time you allow a phase one disciple to use your phone you will lose the privilege for 2 weeks (phone will be held by security). The 2nd time you will see the disciplinary committee. The 3rd time you will see Pastor Walt



Phase Three

          Phase Three participants 10 hours work detail

          The Urban Ministry Institute (Street Seminary)


Intensive Care Environment

Minimum of 2 weeks

Director of Security will provide detailed disciplinary info to the counselor

Director of the disciple phase will schedule counseling times

RA’s will ensure disciples participation in scheduled activities until 5:00 pm after 5:00 pm security will check every ½ hour to insure disciple is in room and attends scheduled even activities.

Urine Analysis

Separate quarters from the general population

Supervised work detail

          5:00 am until 8:00 am work with Pat Bianco

          8:00 am until 8:30 am breakfast (medication picked up at 8:00 am)

          8:30 am until ll:30 am assigned work detail

          11:30 am until  12:00 pm lunch (MEN)

12:00 pm until 12:30 pm lunch (women)

 After lunch start of counseling or assigned work detail

          After counseling until 4:00 assigned work detail (women)

          After counseling until 4:30 assigned work detail (men)

After 5:00 pm assigned homework and any pm classes or services


No Outreaches

Formal Pastoral Counseling

Exit date will be determined by EAC after minimum time has elapsed.

Failure to participate or not complete assignments will result in immediate dismissal from the program


If you leave the program under other than honorable conditions the following apply

New Entrance Application

Urine Analysis

A letter of repentance

A Pastoral Interview

Work detail after class & on weekends

30 days no outreaches

First 30 days ICE Unit


 Church on the Street (COTS)

Discipleship Dream Center Rules

July 1, 2010


The rules for COTS have been established for the greater good of the men and women living in community which require holy habits and divine disciplines. These rules have been carefully crafted and prayerfully considered to place spiritual guardrails and boundaries to undergird your journey as a committed believer of Jesus Christ.




1.1 Admission into COTS is a privilege and not a right. The application to the             

COTS discipleship program serves as written consent by all applicants to the       rules, regulations and the disciplinary actions of the COTS security committee.


1.2 Upon admission, the residents must submit all possessions and their persons to authorized inspection by COTS security of the same sex. This induction protocol includes a urine analysis conducted by security.                                 


1.3 An inspection may be conducted at any time at the Dream Center facility, and adjoining Dream Center property with or without cause for contraband: illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, prescription drugs without a prescription, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. The inspection includes authorized personal searches by COTS security team of the same sex. This is a maintenance protocol authorized executive ministry team.




2.1 COTS is a Christ centered Discipleship Program or Christian boot camp and as such requires Biblical training and education. The core component of the discipleship program is based on the Biblical values of Christian evangelical teachings that require program participants to adhere to standards of personal behavior to maintain the spiritual environment necessary to establish and maintain a Christian environment.


2.2 All mandatory meetings require attendance of all Phases of the COTS discipleship program including COTS approved outreaches for those cleared to do so.


2.3 All program participants are required to attend all mandatory meetings with                                                                

the exception of family emergencies as in a death in the family. Release to attend family emergencies will be made by the executive ministry team.



2.4 Scheduled meetings, classes, study halls or prayer times are vital community activities. A high degree of order must be maintained to achieve the goals of the discipleship program. Therefore a concerted effort to eliminate distractions will include a prohibition on talking, unrelated reading, writing letters, completing discipline assignments, using the restroom or getting a drink. Restrooms may be used before or after services.


2.5 All phases of the discipleship program require assigned seating areas in meetings with the exception of married couples and staff.  It is a requirement to sit in those designated areas assigned to you. You are not to sit in any other location.




3.1 COTS is a residential live-in program with an emphasis on community life. Personal privacy cannot be a reasonable expectation for discipleship participants.


3.2 COTS reserves the right to assign up to five people of the same sex per room. 


3.3 COTS reserves the right to perform room searches at any time as authorized by the security committee.


3.4 COTS also reserves the right to use close circuit TV in hallways and entrances for security purposes.




4.1 During the first thirty days of residency, the disciple will be on probationary status. Any violation of the COTS rules by program participants will result in being remanded to the ICE Unit.


4.2 Any program participant violating the legal statutes of the law will be dismissed from the program without prejudice. This includes those participants on parole or probation.


4.3 During the probationary period the program participant may decide to leave in good standing and without impunity.




6.1 Family visits are allowed in accordance with the program privileges and restrictions guidelines. Family consists of immediate family Spouse, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Grandmother, and Grandfather.

Proof of relationship must be provided. Boy friends, girl friend, ex spouse, fiancé does not constitute family.

6.2 Hours of visitation are (for the men, Thursdays from 9am to 4pm) (for the            

      women Friday 9:30am to 4pm) and Sundays from 12:30pm to 4pm for both.


6.3 No girlfriends, boyfriends or fiancés shall be permitted to visit on Family Day.


6.4 Family visits are not allowed if you are under disciplinary action.


6.5 All family visits must be approved by your assigned pastor     


6.6 Family may sit with you in your designated seating area church services. 




7.1 The terms drugs includes alcohol, tobacco in any form, any illegal substances and/or paraphernalia as well as prescription medication that is not prescribed to you.


7.2 You are not allowed to have any amount above your daily prescribed amount of prescription medication in your possession/under your control at any time.


7.3 This also includes contact or association with individuals under the influence of or in possession of the previous mentioned drugs.


7.4 While in the program you will be required to submit to random drug tests and room searches.


7.5 A positive drug test will be grounds for immediate discharge from COTS.


7.6 Refusal of a test will be considered an admission of guilt




8.1 Violence, abuse or threats of violence or abuse are not allowed at any time.


8.2 This includes physical intimidation, swearing, verbal threats, name-calling or threatening tone or level of voice toward staff or other disciples.


8.3 Horseplay will not be allowed as this can lead to aggressive behavior.




9.1 No weapons of any kind will be allowed during the duration of the program.


9.2 This includes firearms, knives, razor blades, scissors, shanks or any other object that may be used as a weapon.






10.1  In phase one there is to be no dating or relationships between men and          women. Conversations are not permitted with the opposite sex. No flirting, note passing, gifts of any kind or inappropriate conversations of a sexual or suggestive nature with members of the opposite or same-sex. This includes people in COTS, the Dream Center, or church as well as staff.



10.2  Phase two can date provided they meet the following requirements

                     Must have a sponsor

                     Must have pastor approval

                     Must attend marriage class

                     Must have a chaperone to go on a date

                     May go to McDonalds for no longer than 30 min

                     Cannot ride together in a vehicle alone

Two violation of any combination of the above rules will result in loss of          privilege for entire program



10.3 Disciples will conduct themselves as brothers or sisters with members of the opposite or same-sex.


10.4 Disciples should limit their conversation to greetings and may not engage in conversation with members of the opposite sex. If someone approaches you and initiates a greeting, a polite, brief hello may be returned. If you feel uncomfortable with the conversation, excuse yourself from it. If the conversation continues then or later please report it to your assigned pastor.


10.5 This includes disciples and staff. This also includes visits with short-term mission team members. Note passing and any other form of communication for the purpose of establishing a romantic relationship will not be tolerated.


10.6 The Bible prohibits homosexuality and lesbianism. It will not be allowed and is subject to dismissal.




11.1 This includes any activity or behavior not covered above that is prohibited by law, statue, or conditions of parole. COTS will inform the proper authorities of such violations. Any COTS staff involved in obstruction of the law will be summarily dismissed from employment or volunteer activity.    

12. MAIL


12.1 Letter writing is permitted and encouraged upon admittance into COTS. As     long as it is legal and permitted by court


12.2 Letters are to be written during free time only so as not to interfere with study, work time, services or outreaches.


12.3 COTS does reserve the right to inspect and censor all incoming mail and packages as they are being opened by the addressee for security purposes.


12.5 COTS may, at staff discretion, restrict a disciple from communicating by mail with specific individuals.


12.6 Disciples are encouraged to write their spouse, children, parents or other persons designated as “family” on a regular basis.

12.7 All incoming mail needs to be addressed as follows: your name, 3210 NW Grand Avenue Phoenix AZ 85017 all boy/girl friend mail will be returned




13.1 Upon entering the program the disciple is allowed one five minute phone call Monday thru Friday from 4pm to 5pm.


13.2 Office telephones are for staff used only.


13.3 All telephone calls are limited to 5 minutes.


13.4 Telephone calls will be allowed as follows.


13.5 Disciples are not allowed to answer incoming calls, but messages will be taken. Then the disciple may return the call during phone use hours unless it is an emergency.


13.6 An emergency is defined as a death, a life-threatening circumstance or serious illness in the family, etc., and shall be determined by staff.


13.7 Pay phones are for use on free time only. Anyone caught using the pay phones during non free time will be subject to discipline.


13.8 A telephone will be provided at a designated location for use during phone use times. NO LONG DISTANCE CALLS ARE ALLOWED.   You may call collect or use a calling card. This is done on a first-come first served basis.





14.1 Only necessary medical and dental work is allowed while disciples are in COTS.


14.2 Each disciple is responsible for their own transportation and any medical bills they incur. Therefore, COTS will not be held responsible for these bills.


14.3 It is the responsibility of the disciple to inform the staff of any chronic medical problems upon entry into COTS.


14.4 If it becomes necessary for the disciple to make a medical visit, they must go directly there and back. Any unauthorized visits or stops to or from the facility are grounds for dismissal.

14.5 COTS is not equipped to provide any ongoing medical or dental needs.

          Therefore a disciple will be required to leave to attend to such matters.


14.6 Prescription medications are to be turned in immediately to General Manager’s office.


14.7 Disciples are required to provide their own medical insurance or to apply for ahcccs if they have none.




15.1 Phase 1 can have a vehicle with proof of current insurance and registration keys will be placed with security and you will not be able to use the car until you graduate or have a confirmed emergency.


16. FOOD


16.1 Food is allowed only in the designated kitchen areas and nowhere else except staff and security rooms. Security rooms will be limited to one electrical appliance, microwave, refrigerator, and a minimal amount of food.


16.2 The sale of any food or drinks on the Dream Center premises is strictly    prohibited.


16.3 A minimal amount of individual non perishable drinks and snacks will be allowed in each room.




17.3   Disciples may carry money at there own risk. COTS will not be responsible

          for lost or stolen money.


17.5 Panhandling or borrowing money from other disciples, instructors or any other Dream Center residents is not allowed.




18.1 Disciples storage space for clothes is limited to one drawer, ten hangers, and one neatly packed suitcase or plastic tote.


18.2 COTS T-shirts will be provided for each disciple and must be worn every Sunday night to Phoenix First Assembly church service and every Tuesday during the tour.


18.3 Sagging or oversize pants, muscle shirts or sleeveless shirts for men will not   be allowed.


18.4 Sunglasses are not allowed to be worn indoors at any time.


18.5 All disciples are required to wear their name badges around their neck at all        times.


18.6 You must be fully dressed when not in your room.


18.7 Dress must be modest in keeping with Christian moral standards.


All services or special events


18.8 No hats, head coverings, baggy clothing or sunglasses may be worn indoors.


18.9 Work duty:


        Proper clothes suitable for protection in the work department should be worn at all times.


18.10   General:


Pajamas are not to be worn outside your living area staff included. Clothing with tobacco or alcohol ads or that endorsed drug use, illicit sex or secular music will not be allowed. No clothing with objectionable words, phrases, or slogans No cross dressing will be allowed.




19.1 Laundry will be done on a weekly basis.




20.1 Rooms must be kept neat and organized at all times.


20.2 Furniture is not to be moved from room to room without permission from the the Housing Director.


20.3 No candles or incense burning or open flame is allowed in rooms.


20.4 Personal possessions must fit in the allotted storage space. Space allotted is     one drawer, ten hangers, and a neatly packed suitcase or plastic tote.


20.5 Nothing is allowed on the desk other than a clock, family photographs or whatever you are working on at that particular moment.


20.6 Hot plates, toaster ovens, microwaves, etc. are not allowed in the individual rooms.


20.7 Any book must fit in drawers or in a bookshelf if available.


20.9 You’re not allowed in another person’s room without permission from members of that room. If you desire fellowship with another disciple you must use the picnic table area, the common room or any other designated room on your floor for that purpose.


20.10 Quiet time begins at 10 p.m. and ends at wake-up call the next morning. You must be inside and not out on the balcony.


20.11 There is no loitering on the balcony at any time.


20.12 All rooms must pass a daily inspection failure to pass will result in the following for all room members.


         Phase one  1st time loss of pass and empty room, clean on day off

                           2nd time 3 days out of program

                           3rd time dismissed from program


         Phase two 1st time 3 days out

                           2nd time dismissed from the program 






21.1    All disciples must maintain personal hygiene habits on a daily basis. This includes but is not limited to taking a shower, brushing your teeth, shaving    (beards must be kept neat and trimmed) and wearing Deodorant.


21.2 If you need supplies for any of these, please let your RA know.


21.3 COTS will provide generic hygiene supplies when available. If you have any special requirements or brand preferences it is up to the disciple to provide these items at their own expense.




22.1 This is a discipleship school. The root word of discipleship is discipline. It is for this reason you must inform your RA of your whereabouts at all times.


22.2 You cannot leave the property at any time without the permission of your director and you must have an off property pass to leave and to get back on property.


22.3 Curfew begins at 10:00 p.m. and ends at wakeup the next morning.




23.1 You are expected to do your assigned chores at the designated times.


23.2 Any questions regarding work should be directed toward your RA..


23.3 If you are ill, have a fever or vomiting or other acute illness you will be directed to the wellness center to see the nurse or your appropriate leader


23.5 Not feeling like going to work or being too tired is not an acceptable excuse for not working.


23.6 Disciples should be dressed in appropriate work attire prior to leaving for work assignment.


23.8   There will be no breaks until the supervisor calls for a break.


23.9   When chores are over, clean and return all tools to the tool room.




24.1 You are expected to be studying during designated study times. Not sleeping in your room.




25.1 Disciples must be on time for all classes.




26.1 In order to strengthen and encourage one another, all street talk, cursing, backbiting, gossiping, jail talk, and sharing of past experiences among the students that is not positive in nature, is to be stopped upon admission into the program.


26.2     It is also unacceptable to speak in a derogatory matter towards other disciples (same or opposite sex) staff or any other COTS resident.




27.1 Each disciple is allowed to bring some of his or her own personal possessions as long as it fits into the disciple’s allotted space.


27.2 Certain items are not allowed at the facility. They are as follows but not limited to: cell phones, pagers, TV’s, VCR’s, DVD players, PDA’s, computers, or electronic games. (Nintendo, Sega, etc.) Phase 2 can have a cellphone.


27.3 All appliances must be turned off when not in use,

           i.e.… lights, radios, fans.


27.4 Personal music devices (MP3’s, CD’s or cassette tapes only) will be allowed but only if it is Christian music and are non video capable. No secular or mainstream artists.


27.5 Disciples are not allowed to use another disciple’s personal items.


27.6 Disciples are not allowed to exchange or sell personal items, belongings, or services to each other.







28.1 Possession of or viewing pornographic material in any form will not be allowed. Additional forms of inappropriate material include Victoria’s Secret and Fredrick’s of Hollywood. Nude photography, paintings or pictures classified as art are prohibited.




29.1 All disciples will observe and maintain the utmost courtesy and manners demonstrating Christian like characters and attitude toward others.


29.2 We follow the golden rule (Matthew7:12) “do to others as you would have them do unto you.”


29.3 Rudeness will not be tolerated by leaders!!!!





30.1 All disciples will be expected to cooperate with all parole and probation agencies.


30.2 You will require proof that you are to appear with any officers of the court.


30.3 No side trips are allowed you must go to your appointment and straight back.




31.1 If an individual leaves or is dismissed from the program it is mandatory that they take all of their clothing and personal possessions within three days. COTS shall not be responsible for any clothing or personal possessions left behind by the disciple. Any personal clothing left behind will be given to the Lord’s closet.


31.2 If dismissed from the program you may not return for a minimum of 30 days.


31.3 If dismissed you are allowed on property for church service only.




32.1 You are responsible to know and comply with your posted daily schedule.


32.2 You are required to attend all functions of COTS and all COTS church services and be ten minutes early. All Phases are required to attend.


32.3 Any change to the schedule will be communicated through your R.A.



33.1 Church on the Street reserves the right to change these rules at its discretion and notify all phase participants before these changes take effect.




34.1 Wake up time is 4am Monday thru Friday. You must be out of bed by 4:15      am not lying on the covers or laying on the couch or sleeping in the chair.   Failure to comply will be 8 hours of work with Joe at the Men’s mission or Gift of Mary. Saturday and Sunday wakeup time is 5:30 am




First Phase day off pass men Thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Women Friday 9:30 am – 5:00 pm. Program participants must be in the program 30 days, and the following circumstances are met: no pending disciplinary action, current on home work assignments completed and weekly timesheet is turned in and approved by Phase One Director.


The pass request must be made within 2 days prior of the pass date and must include address destination and phone number. Those on parole or probation must, in the addition to the above, receive approval from the COTS parole adviser, currently Joe.


All other passes such as marriage night, overnight, etc must be approved by authorized personnel. Approved passes are returned Wednesday night before 10:00 pm


Medical appointment passes must be approved by the director of the Wellness Center.


Second Phase passes are not required from 6:00-5:00 daily as long as there are no pending disciplinary action, current on home work assignments completed and weekly timesheet is turned in and approved by Phase Two Director. Failure to comply will result in property restriction


Passes after 5 for less than one hour are approved in writing by Second Phase Director. The Second Phase Director may issued a off property pass for times exceeding one hour. All other passes, marriage night, overnight, etc, must be approved by authorized personnel.


Phase two room restrictions will be on the same day as phase one men. In addition to this discipline a day will be added to their work obligations to TDC. Room restriction violators will be remanded to The ICE Unit.




Phase Three


No pass is required before curfew at 10:00 pm provided the following criteria are met.


There are no pending disciplinary actions, current homework completed and the weekly timesheet turned in and approved. All other passes, marriage night, overnight, etc, must be approved by authorized personnel.




36.1 Upon completion of the six month program you are eligible for a one week family visit before entering Phase Two or Three


            36.2 You must request the visitation in advance through the director’s office


36.3 You must leave the property to get the week off, if you stay on property you                  are subject to all the requirements of the your phase


36.4 The day after your graduation you can sleep in.


36.5 You are allowed to stay one week after graduation provided that space is available.


36.6 Parolees mush have 2 week prior approval from Joe B.





37.1  Destruction or damage to property is prohibited. You will be required to pay     for any damages you purposefully cause.

Church on the Street reserves the right to change these rules at its discretion
